Monday, September 24, 2012

AFE Fall 2012 Workshop Series

Academic Foundations English 
 All AFE Faculty are invited to attend.

Using Educational Technology 

to Create Student-Centered Classes 

Fall 2012 Workshop Series Schedule 

Portal and Gradebook 

Saturday October 6, 2012 
1:00PM - 4:00PM
168 Sip Ave Jersey City 

Participants will learn how to use various functions of the Portal, including all facets of Gradebook, accessing and using Shared Files, and submitting a Retention Alert. They will also be introduced to various resources available to them on the Portal.

ACCUPLACER Reading Comprehension Exam 

Saturday, October 27, 2012 
1:00PM  - 4:00PM
168 Sip Ave Jersey City 

Participants in this workshop will gain a greater understanding of the ACCUPLACER reading comprehension exam used for initial placement at HCCC and inter-level placement in AFE. Participants will be given the opportunity to take the test themselves and ask questions about how it operates. 

Helping Students with Disabilities 

Saturday, November 10, 2012 
10:00AM – 1:00PM 
168 Sip Ave Jersey City 

This workshop will focus on techniques and technologies that can be used in the classroom to better support students with disabilities.


Grading Student Portfolios & Inputting Final Grades 

Saturday, December 1, 2012 
1:00PM - 4:00PM
168 Sip Ave Jersey City 

This workshop will help participants accurately and holistically grade student portfolios at the end of the semester and enter grades into the new Gradebook template.

Sponsored by: Hudson County Community College Grants Office, The Office of College Life, and Academic Foundations English


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